Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How many soundtracks will this film sell?

Hitting the ground running, Juno, seems a dark yet screwball comedy. With the sort of ambiguous humor and extra-teen sensibility of Election or Ghost World. There's some uneasiness to confronting something like teen pregnancy with the callous laugh and a shrug the writing seems to call for. The script could easily slide by as jaded and/or irresponsible. Much like the main character.

Instead what happens is a kind of unraveling: Juno, expertly played by this new Ellen Page person, is continuously forced to take her situation more and more seriously. To match this development, the whole tone of the movie sheds its surreality, and suddenly we're not laughing from the outside at a farce. By unorthodox means we've come to care deeply about the characters and the world they inhabit.

Many movies try to snatch a serious message from the jaws of comedy. Few can do it without tacking it on or oblivious melodrama. Juno does it with care and grace. And from today's all-stars of comedy, who woulda thunk it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Kitty Pride phased when she was pregnant, would the baby phase, too? Or would he/she just drop to the ground?

5:38 PM  
Blogger Kizzle said...

Good question, anonymous. One can only assume that Ms. Pryde has full control over which parts are phasing at any given time, otherwise, by laws of physics, she wouldn't be able to "walk" through walls, since walking would be impossible - she'd fall through the floor as well. So she must have some degree of control over the womb. What's interesting to me is how she was able to phase herself out of the biggest let down of my movie-watching life and into this 2007 independent champ...

9:03 PM  

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